Tuesday, February 26, 2013

SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENTS | Freedom and Roam Uganda ...

The use of social media is an important aspect in communications especially in the hostile environment in which we organize. It is hard to break into mainstream media and we have to depend a lot on social media to inform.

Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) seeks to engage you all in participation and discussions in our various social media platforms in the following ways:

????????????????????????????????????????????????? Facebook

There will be topics of discussions on our facebook page: Friends of Freedom and Roam Uganda from Monday to Sunday.

Monday: It is a day when everyone is seeking to better themselves financially be it through job searching or business. It?s on this day that topics will be based on professionalism and business. You can post a job advertisement, how to prepare for interviews, business plans etc.

Tuesday: FARUG as well as the entire Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community has many trials and tribulations and it?s a high time that we started telling our own stories. Be it hate crimes, discrimination or the Anti Homosexuality Bill (AHB). Email us topics or stories so that we can share them.

Wednesday: ?FARUG is an LBTI organization at the same time a feminist organization. Do you have related pictures and stories or videos; you can post these on Wednesday or just email us.

Thursday: FARUG has social gatherings every Friday where members meet to discuss a wide range of topics. We have put Saturday aside to discuss a wide range of topics from which we shall select one outstanding one that will top the social Friday topics.

Friday: Its Fridays that is dedicated to a topic that stood out on Thursday. We however have a twist in the discussions. They will be posted solely by the Administrator, just as they are being discussed during social Friday. We shall post people?s comments and questions and live tweet as it goes on.

Saturday: This day is dedicated to well being and general social life. Be it Fashion, sex, relationships and what is happening on the social scene in the LGBTI community, nationally and internationally.

Sunday: Sundays are dedicated to faith and religion. Do you have a religious quote, a word of inspiration, or you just want to share what your pastor preached about? Email us. Moslems, orthodox, African Traditional Religion and any God that you believe in, please don?t feel left out.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Twitter


There will be daily tweets on different topics everyday. Find us on @Far_Uganda, #tag us your tweets and please be a part of our tweet ups and live discussions when they have been announced.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??YouTube


We have a YouTube channel @Faruganda. There are a couple of video clips currently and we intend to upload clips of our organizational activities. Feel free to share with us your videos so that we can share on our social media platforms.

??????????????????????????????????????????????? Blog

Our Blog; Freedom and Roam Uganda, is dedicated to communicating organizational and community events. We also re blog posts that are in our line of work. You can emails us articles poems and we shall blog about it while giving you full acknowledgment.


You can emails us at Christine@faruganda.org with topics on any of the above, suggestions on how to make this service better for you and comments and participate in the interactive topics as shared. For those who may not want their identity to go public, it will be protected.

We are looking forward to working with and serving you all.

Be well.


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Source: http://faruganda.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/social-media-engagements/

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