Thursday, March 7, 2013

Networking Strategy in 5 Steps | Business Networking Bulimba

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What?s a Networking Strategy and Have you got one?

by Sigrid de Kaste

Do you go to breakfasts and lunches in order to meet new people?make new contacts and network?

I?m looking forward to International Women?s Day Breakfast?a fantastic opportunity to meet and make contact with heaps of people I don?t yet know!

My business, Stickybeak Marketing has reserved a table for 10?.oh, and by the way, if you?d like to come, contact me, there are 2 last seats available at the table!

There's a Seat waiting

Ring me now: 0414 626 729

?sorry, that?s not really what I want to talk about today?it?s the opportunity to meet and talk to new people for the purpose of networking, connecting and doing business with that I?d like to touch on

When I first started my business, Stickybeak Marketing, I went to networking events almost every week to build a list and reputation?which I?m sure, you are doing too!

Did I succeed? Oh yes, I?ve built a big list?but only after I applied what we all should do in every business: created a strategy!

Yes, a Networking Strategy!

It is easy to go out and visit networking groups, connect, take business cards and hand them out ?nilly willy? (can I say that here?)

You will gain a big list?BUT will it be a useful list, will it be networking time well spent?

Here is the thing, often people get confused and are not sure what a strategy is never mind putting one together for themselves!

A strategy is a solution to move you from were you are now to where you want to is what you want to happen to achieve your preferred outcome and to make it easier for you to understand and put one together, here:

5 Steps to Your Networking Strategy

Going Up

1. Be clear on what makes you, your product or services, unique

It is a good idea to spend some time on this step as it will help you when out networking to capture the interest of others and also filter into all of your marketing

2. Write a 60 second speech

You will be amazed just how much you can fit into 60 sec provided you first write it down, then time it and adjust your words to those with the highest impact when spoken, after that practise your speech so it becomes natural

3. Decide on who you want as customers

Yes, your target market can be exactly who you want it to be! Get clarity on it that will make networking and growing your business easier!

4. Research Networking groups and opportunities within your reach

Knowing what?s availalbe and when for what cost is useful to be effective in your networking efforts and will help monitor success

5. Define who would be most able to connect you with your ideal customer

Think about what sort of industries might also be working with your ideal customer and can help you connect with them. Networking is taken to a whole new level when you look at the people in the room as potential connectors rather than customers?

There you go?put your networking strategy in place and notice how your successes increase as will your business!


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